Newsweek ranks Alameda Hospital Skilled Nursing Facilities among America’s Best Nursing Homes

ALAMEDA, Calif., Oct. 7, 必赢亚洲官网app下载 – Alameda Hospital Skilled Nursing Facilities are ranked #1 in Alameda County and 14th in California, among nursing homes with more than 150 beds. That’s according to Newsweek’s 2025 ranking of America’s Best Nursing Homes.   Alameda Hospital Skilled Nursing Facilities include Park Bridge Rehabilitation and Wellness, Alameda Hospital Sub-Acute Unit, [...]

必赢亚洲官网app下载-10-07T17:51:46+00:00October 7th, 必赢亚洲官网app下载|Categories: AHS Press Releases|Tags: , , , , , |

Newsweek Ranks Alameda Hospital Skilled Nursing Facilities Among America’s Best Nursing Homes

Alameda Hospital Skilled Nursing Facilities are ranked #1 in Alameda County and 14th in California, among nursing homes with more than 150 beds. That’s according to Newsweek’s 2025 ranking of America’s Best Nursing Homes. Alameda Hospital Skilled Nursing Facilities include Park Bridge Rehabilitation and Wellness, Alameda Hospital Sub-Acute Unit, and South Shore Rehabilitation and Wellness [...]

必赢亚洲官网app下载-10-07T17:53:08+00:00October 7th, 必赢亚洲官网app下载|Categories: CEO Chronicles, Featured, Latest Stories From AHS|Tags: , , , , , |

In the news: COVID-19 detection dogs at AHS’s Park Bridge Rehabilitation and Wellness

Alameda Health System’s Park Bridge Rehabilitation and Wellness was in the news yesterday for a story about Scarlett and Rizzo, the pair of medical detection dogs working their tails off at AHS to identify COVID-19. Scarlett and Rizzo have undergone rigorous training and can test up to 300 people in a half hour with an [...]

必赢亚洲官网app下载-04-16T00:51:55+00:00April 4th, 必赢亚洲官网app下载|Categories: Featured, Media Coverage of AHS|Tags: , , |